Thursday, June 2, 2011

Be your own best friend

I love this picture of my sister! Totally open and expressing herself exuberantly! I've watched Melody on her journey these last 40 some odd years and have admired her sense of digging deep and asking the tough questions.

I've watched Melody learn about herself and about others and stay true to what she believes.

The thing I've noticed the most is how comfortable she is getting in her own skin and how open she is able to be to others.

I call it being your own best friend.

I think everyone's journey is a bit different in this respect. For me it means to take care of myself so that I can be open and available for what life and others bring. Not just rest and exercise and eating healthy but also listening to myself, having "artist dates," and feeding my spirit beauty and connecting.

Listening to myself: I am so grateful that my daughter introduced me to Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. In this book Ms Cameron talks of morning pages, of writing - journaling- with pen and paper your thoughts. Three pages each morning writing down whatever comes to mind - no right or wrong way to do morning pages.

I have found in this journaling discipline that the act of writing my thoughts slows me down to really hear and acknowledge the thoughts going on inside of me. It's as if I need to be the one to hear and connect to what I sense and respond to. Taking pen in hand and writing usually for about 20 to 30 minutes allows me to be heard - by me! Not only do I get direction and liberate creativity in so many areas of my life, but I am now open to really listen to others instead of focusing so much on being heard by others.

Is that Melody's secret?

Could it be that she is taking artist's dates? Taking time to go by herself to different places, doing different things, seeing different sceneries feeds her spirit. Learning to just BE!

I use to think,"I want to be just like Melody" but really I want to be so comfortable in my own skin, taking time out for myself so that I can truly be ready and available for the others in my life and/or whatever life offers me.

So how does one take an artist date? Go by yourself to a place that you'd not normally go but you've thought about or think it might inspire you. It can be anything but the distinction is - by yourself and enjoy! There's something about connecting and embracing that is liberating and shares love.

Last fall a worship leader called our time of singing and praying "...a time to love on God and allow Him to love on us." I love that! A nature walk can do that. A vist to a museum, a hike, sitting in the lobby of a plush hotel people watching even might do it! When I take time to open up to my creator and to who I really am then I can be open armed and unprotected ready to receive the world around me.

I, for one, plan on an artist's date this week. I choose to walk in love and contentment and joy so that I can be as open armed as my sister. Thank you, Melody!

How about you?

In Joy,